Casting for the short film The Book, a dramatic exploration of love, loss, and healing. The story follows Ethan as he confronts deep-seated emotional wounds in therapy, discovering the importance of self-love and facing his past. This project will be submitted to international film festivals, and successful candidates will receive IMDb credits.
This is a paid role but the pay structure is yet to be determined. There is also a travel stipend for those travelling locally from 50km - 275km.
Role 1: Patrick
Male, 35-45
Ethan’s younger partner. Patrick is immature, self-centred, and motivated by his own interests. Beneath this exterior lies emotional complexity, including moments of sadness and confrontation. Looking for a wiry, slight, and fit appearance to contrast with the main character. No preference for ethnicity. Accent should be standard Canadian (Standard American) or another dialect supported by clarity. Experience preferred, but open to emerging talent.
Ethnicity: All ethnicities
Age: 35-45 y.o.
Gender: Male